In a follow-up to the #Outsourcing Briefing held this past June in Richmond, VA, @Leanne Crocker and I moderated Monday's Outsourcing interest group session at Customer Response Summit – Denver. Armed with key questions distilled from the Richmond event, we asked attendees to gather together in small groups to discuss a wide variety of topics from the changing role of the BPO to the impact of #GigEconomy on talent sourcing.
Agent Engagement
By far the hottest topic proved to be agent engagement at partner sites, with key challenges and opportunities dominating the bulk of discussion.
When asked, “How do we collectively ensure that agents excel at partner sites?” some attendees led off by questioning the reasons why captive sites routinely outperform outsourced ones. What role does tenure play in agent performance? And how does geography impact the agent learning curve in understanding everything they need to know about a brand and its products?
“You 100% get what you pay for in outsourcing. The highest paid tend to perform best.”
“Site directors need to be highly engaged with their agents; being a leader and a coach is job #1.”
“Agent involvement with the brand is key. They need to ‘be the brand.’”
Attendees offered a range of ideas for assisting in agent success:
- Invest in relationships
- Agent and leadership development plans
- Brand engagement = agent engagement
- Aligned/integrated scorecards
- Competitive collaboration – “Champion/Challenger Model”
- Diverse capability
- Penalty/bonus structure
Identifying/assessing cultural alignment – key factors:
- Account management/corporate leadership
- Organizational culture
- Accountability/ownership
Hiring partner leader/managers – key factors:
- Culture
- Quality
- Cost
- Brand affinity
The Evolving BPO
The changing role of the BPO was also discussed, especially as it relates to the changing technological landscape and multichannel servicing.
Key challenges cited in managing BPO relationships include:
- Cultural differences
- Money vs. Experience
- Partnership vs. Contract
- Creating true, healthy competition
- Empowerment
- BPO Leadership
- Work-from-Home Culture
- Saturation
The Biggest Obstacle
When asked, “What is the single biggest obstacle clients face with outsourcing?” attendees arrived at a wide range of answers:
- Maintaining/improving performance
- Talent consistency
- Attrition management and retention
- Maintaining consistent CX across multiple centers
- Employee experience
- Open communication between brand and BPO at all levels
The Gig Factor
How is Gig affecting outsourcing?
- Unlocks a latent workforce
- Cost-effective
- On demand/seasonality
- Recruiting/lower unemployment
- No shrinkage
Vendor Diversification
What are the pros and cons of diversifying across multiple vendors?
- Friendly Competition
- Mitigates Risk
- Growth Options
- Workforce optimization – optimize channel types
- Consistent CX results
- Consistent technology
- Opportunity for A-B testing of new processes, tech
- Supplier/travel management
Use Cases for AI in Outsourcing
How is AI influencing how you operate with your sites with partners?
- Robotic process automation (RPA)
- Virtual assist
- Reduced training time
- Optimize performance
- Intelligent voice response (IVR) automation
- Gathering insights
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#Employee Engagement
#Employee Retraining