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You’ve just found the ideal technology solution to your contact center’s challenges. It’s the answer you’ve been looking for, the automation tool that will increase productivity and decrease costs—and it’s within budget. The only thing standing between your CX program and this KPI-boosting wonder tech? Security compliance. While an InfoSec team may seem like the final boss when it comes to investing in new tech resources, their purpose is vital to keeping brand and customer data safe and secure . Knowing a few security best practices to look for in a technology partner can help you make the best choice for your organization and get faster, easier buy-in ...
Every single customer service interaction has the potential to make or break brand loyalty. This is no secret. Just one bad customer experience can be enough to send someone in search of an alternative product or service; according to Gartner, simply requiring a customer service interaction increases the likelihood of losing the customer fourfold . Good customer service is the expectation, the baseline. Good customer service isn’t about winning loyalty, it’s about maintaining it. If good customer service is expected, companies often conclude, then delighting customers by going above and beyond is the way to stand out and differentiate themselves. But ...
An engineer at Google made headlines recently when he was put on administrative leave for insisting the company’s AI was sentient . To the untrained eye, published conversations between the engineer and LaMDA, the AI, certainly read like something straight out of the sci-fi movies humans have been making for decades. Just a few of the many films depicting what might happen in a world where technology is self aware and can act in its own self-interest include Metropolis in 1927 and 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968; The Terminator, Blade Runner, and WarGames in the early ’80s; and Avengers: Age of Ultron and ...